Thursday 11 September 2014

Restructure Reseach Report Proposal


Does the concept and the architectural construction of the Traditional Malay House could be able to apply into the modern houses in order to create a better and comfortable living space for the new generation?


-       Kampung Raja, Besut Kelantan
-       Residential Area
-       Kampung Warisan


-       Traditional Malay House is creatively built with the bond of nature and environment of Malaysia in order to create a comfortable living space for the people. These concept and structure are gradually disappeared as the development of technologies is improving and the demands of people are different compared to the past.


To investigate the possibilities of inventing the architecture construction of the Traditional Malay House into the modern houses.


-       To studies the structure and concept of Traditional Malay House and the Modern Residential Houses

-       To compare the advantages and disadvantages of both kind of houses

-       To experiment on the combination of structure of Traditional Malay House and the Modern Residential Houses


CHAPTER 1: Introduction

-  terrace house today have been developed to masonry and reinforced concrete with air conditioning system .  
-  Issue about Malay Traditional Architecture has been disappeared in modern days
-  investigate about the differences of both kind of houses
-  a final outcome will be a prototype of a new design that a modern residential house that
   implement some of the concept or structure from Traditional Malay Architecture.

Examining and understanding contemporary houses  
-       Study of the design and concept
-       Problem and issue
- reason causes the issue
-       Solution that had been applied but causes another problem  

Examining and understanding Traditional Malay House
-       Site Visit : Kampung Raja
-       Explain the design and ideas
- top zone, middle zone and bottom zone
-       Visual evidence
-       Interview of the owner

Integration or combination of the concept and ides of contemporary house and Traditional Malay House
-       Suggestions of ways or ideas to improve contemporary house
-       Explain the advantages of the suggestion
-       Provide data or information to prove
-       Explain how it works or be install into contemporary house
- environment
- ventilation

- materials

Kampung Raja, Kuala Besut

Kampung Warisan 

CHAPTER 4 : Structural possibilities of combination of both kind of houses
                        -       Foundation
                        -       Walls
                        -       Roof structure
                        -       Windows and doors

CHAPTER 5 : Conclusion


      Research for basic understanding towards Traditional Malay House
      and modern house
     -Reference books
     On Going
     Literature Review
     -Reference Books about Traditional Malay houses
     -Newspaper article
     On Going
     Site Survey
     -Kampung Raja, Besut Kelantan
     -Modern Residential Houses
     -Kampung Warisan
     On Going
     Photo Taking
      (show the construction, material used, and ventilation flow of Malay houses and Modern house)
     On Going
     Interview to the owner of the house
     (Understand the problem they are facing)
     On Going
     model making of combination of structure  
     Haven’t Start

Monday 8 September 2014

Site Visit to Kampung Raja, Kuala Besut

This is the how the entrance looks like . It is just at the side of the main road.

Encik Norhaiza Noordin

When we walk into the boundary, it was this visitor room at the left side. The room that we stay overnight is the upper floor. The room underneath is Encik Norhaiza’s gallery that display all his wood craving panel and kris (keris). We are not allow to take photo inside the gallery. It was just an empty space with the stilts structure for the upper room until Encik Norhaiza decided to change the space into his art gallery, he added on the walls and wood window for the area.

Here is the view taken from the angle of our room. It is the master bedroom but Encik Norhaiza is no longer stay in this house anymore considering about the privacy for him and his family as the house had partly became a gallery for tourist or visitor. 

On the rightside from the entrance, it is this room that originally used as the living room for the owner, and now he is planning to turn it into another gallery for his craved work. He also modified the lower part into his personal workshop area for visitors to learn about some basic craving if they have interests about it. 

using the existing structure(stilts) with just add on some wood panels and transform it into a workshop shows how Encik Norhaiza used his knowledge on wood architecture for this empty space. 

Entrance of the living room

a small pavillion connected to the master bedroom

There are many details of joining that showing the structure is able to disassemble and reassemble depends on the users need. It shows how user friendly and eco-friendly of the Traditional Malay Houses.

Although it is able to to disassemble, but considering about the infinite transform of the weather, Encik Norhaiza added screw on the structure to ensure it is able to withstand the strong wind .

Traditional Malay architecture creatively applied the interlocking concept on the structure .

Even the joining of the door doesn't require any hinge to provide the openable function.

Proposed Research Writing


Traditional Malay house considered as an architecture that perfectly matched with Malaysia’s weather, geology as well as the materials it used. Throughout these times, most of the elements of the Traditional Malay house had changed or been modified due to the existing problems that causes from many other aspects. Traditional Malay house as a significant architecture for Malaysian should not be forgetting through the transformation of human lifestyle. Somehow the structural or the system should be re-invent to the modern architecture as to help resolve those problems now that had created by the nature. 


-       Kampung Raja , Besut Kelantan

(Encik Norhaiza Noordin is the owner of this Malay House. It is originally located at Kelantan. He decided to move to Kuala Besut due to his wood craving workshop and business. He actually disassembled the Malay house and reassembled it again at Kuala Besut. He modified some part of the structure and the space due to the changes of weather ,seasoning wind as well for his craving workshop purpose.)

Aim :

To study about how and what causes the traditional Malay wooden house change to the modern Malay houses.

Objectives :    

  • To understand the function of the traditional Malay houses and the modern one                       
  • To compare the changes of lifestyle of the Malays from the past to the new era                       
  • To understand the materials and abilities of the materials towards the houses

CHAPTER 1 : Introduction
1.1 Introduction about the Malay house
1.2 History about Malay house (Kampung Raja, Besut Kelantan)
CHAPTER 2 : Case Study (Kampung Raja , Besut Kelantan)
CHAPTER 3 : Transformation of Malay house – elements
CHAPTER 4 : Factors that affect traditional malay house to transform

CHAPTER 5 : Finding

  • What should we learn from the traditional malay house ?
  •  Whether the structure or the system of Traditional Malay house could be able to blend into the modern house?
  • Are people still enjoy living in the Traditional Malay House? 

CHAPTER 6 : Conclusion